
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

SEPHARDIC RABBIS: Rabbi David Pardo (1718-1790)

Rabbi David Pardo, (1718-1790) was a famous Sephardic Rabbi, a prolific author and a poet. He was born in Venice, Italy. At a young age he went to Sarajevo where he studied under Rabbi Abraham David Papo. Eventually R. Pardo was appointed rabbi of Sarajevo. In 1776 he traveled to Eretz Israel, settling in Jerusalem, where he served as head of the Yeshiba Chesed leAbraham uBinyan Shelomo. Rabbi Pardo was regarded in his time as Jerusalem's greatest Rabbi. 
Many of his works deal mainly with Tannaitic Rabbinic literature, and are an original commentary--not necessarily dependent on the Amoraitic interpretations. 

His first famous work was Shoshannim le-David , an independent commentary on the Mishna.  

He also wrote Chasde David a commentary on the Tosefta, which is considered one of the most important commentary on the Tosefta. 

And Sifre deBeRab  which he commenced in 1786 and was published by his son Abraham after his death. This work is considered the most important commentary on the Sifre. 

He also wrote Mikhtam le-David a book where he records his numerous halakhic decisions and responsa. 

Maskil le-David a commentary on Rashi's Biblical commentary. 

LaMnatzeach leDavid, a book on those Talmudic passages where alternative explanations are given.  

Mizmor le-David notes on the Perot Ginnosar of Rabbi Chizekiyah da Silva. 

Rabbi Pardo's liturgical poems and prayers are included in the Sephardic daily and festival prayer books.   

He died in Yerushalaim.
Of his sons, R. Jacob Pardo became chief Rabbi of Ragusa.  A second son, Isaac, was the Rabbi of Sarajevo, while a third, Abraham, who married Lebana, the daughter of Rabbi Chayim Yosef David Azulai (Chida), became head of the Yeshiba Chesed leAbraham uBinyan Shelomo after his father-in-law's death. 

Rabbi Pardo's disciples included Shabbetai ben Abraham Ventura, Rabbi David Pinto, and Rabbi Abraham Penso.

For a comprehensive biography of Rabbi David Pardo (which still needs to be written in Wikipedia) see  this article   by Eliezer Papo   

Click  here  to   download LaMnatzeach leDavid (Pardo), a commentary on the alternative arguments of the Talmud (-i ba'et ema)