
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Tonight, Wednesday December 1st, 2010, we will celebrate the first night of Chanuka 5771, lighting the first candle.

As we have already explained, according to our Sepharadic Mashadi tradition we light one Menorah per family, not per individual.

The father or the person in charge of the family, recites the following three blessings.
(On all subsequent nights, only blessings number 1 and 2 are recited).

Blessing #1: Baruch ata Ado-nai Elo-henu melekh ha-olam, Asher kide-shanu be-mitzvo-tav, Ve-tzee-vanu le-had-leek Ner Chanuka.

Blessing #2: Baruch ata Ado-nai Elo-henu melekh ha-olam, She-asa nee-seem la-abo-tenu, Baya-meem ha-haem baz-e-man ha-zeh.

Blessing #3: Baruch ata Ado-nai Elo-henu melekh ha-olam, Sheh-he-che-yanu ve-kee-yihemanu Ve-hee-gee-yanu laze-man ha-zeh.

The following text/statement is said each night, after all the candles, or at least the first one, has been kindled:

Ha-nerot ha-lalu anu mad-likin Al ha-nissim ve-al hapurkan ve-al hanif-laot Al ha-tshu-ot ve-al ha-milchamot She-asita la'abo-tenu Ba-yamim ha-hem, ba-zeman ha-zeh Al ye-de kohan-echa hake-doshim. Ve-chol shemonat ye-me Chanukah Ha-nerot ha-lalu kodesh hem, Ve-en lanu reshut le-heesh-tamesh ba-hem Ela leer-otam bilvad Kede le-hodot li-shmekha Al ni-sekha ve-al niflo-tekha ve-al yeshuo-tekha.

"We kindle these lights for the miracles and the wonders for the redemption and the battles which You performed for our forefathers In those days at this time through Your holy priests. During all eight days of Chanuka these lights are sacred and we are not permitted to make ordinary use of them, but only to look at them in order to express thanks and praise to Your great Name for your miracles, Your wonders, and Your salvations".

Then we recite: Mizmor shir Chanukat haBayit leDavid...

Chanuka and the survival of Jewish Values, by Aish