
Friday, May 17, 2013

SHABU'OT: the most powerful segula

והייתם לי סגולה מכל העמים

As we have explained last week, when HaShem offered the People of Israel to enter into a covenant (berit) He described our role as  mamlekhet kohanim (a nation of priests, see here). 

The Tora (Ex. 19:5) also explains that upon accepting the covenant we will become God's  "segula".   What does "segula" mean? Indibre hayamim (I, 29:3) the word segula  indicates a treasure.  Addressing the people of Israel King David said that he had allocated the Royal reserves of gold and silver to build the Bet haMiqdash, and then he adds: "Besides [the allocated royal reserves], in my desire [to build] the Temple to my God I now give my personal treasure of gold and silver for the Temple of my God...". David donated also his private fortune to the Bet haMiqdash. That personal treasure is called in Hebrew: segula

'am segula means that we are God's treasure. His "private" possession. In other words, the first thing that God commits Himself in the covenant is to supervise us directly, and to protect us as a Nation in the same way a man protects his most valuable treasure.  The Jewish people, as a nation, will never disappear. Why? Because Israel is treasured directly by God
Unlike other rights or rewards being HaShem's segula is not conditional to Israel's behavior. Illustration: HaShem gave us the land of Israel. The land of Israel, however, is a conditional gift. The Tora repeatedly tells us that as long as we keep His commandments we will live in the land of Israel peacefully. However, the Tora repeatedly warns us, if we disobey the terms of the covenant, the land will expel us, we will go into exile, and God will not avoid it...  
But as a nation, we will never disappear.   The existence of the Jewish Nation is guaranteed by Him. We areHaShem's segula. Unconditionally. 


Candle lighting today in NYC:        7:49 pm
Shabbat ends in NYC:                        8:50 pm