
Friday, December 14, 2012

Shabbat and Hanuka candles

Every night we light the Ḥanuka candles after sunset, but today, Friday, we should light the Ḥanuka candles BEFORE sunset:, approximately at 4:05 - 4:10 p.m. (N.Y. time). Why? Because at 4:11 p.m. we light Shabbat candles (see here), and Ḥanuka candles must be lit before that.

Another specific rule for Friday's Ḥanuka candles: while every night the candles should last at least for half-hour, on Friday, the candles should last for more time. So, make sure your candles have enough oil, or are long enough to burn for approximately one hour after sunset. 

It is customary to light the Ḥanuka candles in the Synagogue. And today the candles should be lit also before sunset (if possible, after Minḥa). The berakha should only be recited if ten or more people are present there at the time of lighting the candles.  

For Ḥanuka candle-lighting after Shabbat ends, see this

When spending Shabbat at your parents/in-laws house etc., do you have to light your own candles in your room or at home before you leave?

If you will spend Shabbat at you parents/in-laws, once you're at their house, you (spouse, children) are considered part of the extended family of your parents, and since you also partake the same food, boarding, etc. you are included in their Ḥanuka candle-lighting without further requirements. So, you don't really need to light your own Ḥanukia.

However, if you and your family are going to your parents/in-laws/relatives house after Shabbat began, or just for dinner, then you should light Ḥanuka candles normally at your own house. In this case, it is recommended that you don't leave your house while the candles are lit, to avoid any fire hazard!

Shabbat Shalom,  Ḥodesh Tob and Ḥanuka Sameaḥ!

Ḥanuka candle lighting in NYC        4:05 PM
Shabbat candle lighting in NYC       4:11 PM
Shabbat ends in NYC                        5:11 PM

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