
Thursday, June 23, 2011

THE JEWISH WEDDING: Minhaguim of Sheba Berakhot

Today is the 21 of Sivan, 5771

As we have explained last week (see HERE), part of the celebration of the seven days of celebration after the wedding is the recitation of the Sheba Berakhot (seven blessings).

These blessings are recited only when a few conditions are met:

According to the Sephardic custom in Israel (Rabbi O. Yosef)

1.There must be ten adult males present (the chatan is considered one of them)

2.The meal has to take place in the residence of the bride and groom (bet chatanim)

3. There must be at least two new guest (panim chadashot).

When one of these conditions is not met, then if at least three adult male are partaking of the formal meal, they recite just the last berakha (ashe bara...)

The custom in the Mashadi community is the same except that the sheba berakhot are recited, regardless of where the meal is taking place (Rabbi Ben Hayim).

The Ashkenazi custom also allows to recite the sheba berakhot even if the meal does not take place in the residence of the new couple, and even if just one new guest, not two is present (Rabbi Knohl).

When the Sheba Berakhot are recited, the custom is to have two cups of wine: with the first cup, one says Birkat haMazon and at the end of the Sheba Berakhot, he himself says "bore peri hagefen". With the second cup, they say the other six berakhot. After bore peri hagefen, the wine of the two cups is mixed and given to the bride and the groom (R. O. Yosef)

When only the berakha Asher Bara is recited, the custom is to say first bore peri hagefen and then asher bara.

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