
Friday, May 6, 2011

YOM HAZIKARON/YOM HAATZMAUT: the impossible (but reasonable!) transition.

Today is the 2nd day of Iyar, 5771/ 17 days of Omer (2 weeks, 3 days)

This coming Sunday night we will commemorate Yom haZikaron, Israel's Memorial Day. The day in which the citizens of Israel and the Jews all over the world remember the fallen soldiers, those who sacrificed their lives so we can have a Jewish State: Medinat Israel.

The day is dedicated to honor the memories of more than 22,000 young soldiers who died since the Independence war in 1948 until today. They were our heroes, and as Nathan Alterman called them: "The silver platter on which the State of Israel was given to us"

Read his beautiful poem here:

In Israel, thousands of people, attend cemeteries to mourn their children, grandchildren, parents, and grandparents who fell on the wars. Har Hertzl, in Yerushalaim, the most important military cemetery, is where most of the official ceremonies take place.

Most Israelis would spend the rest of the day at home watching on Israeli TV the short movies prepared especially for the occasion in which they show the lives, the bravery and heroism of the fallen soldiers, especially those who perished this year. We present here one short movie about Roi Klein, z'l.

Yom haZikaron ends Monday evening, and that same night we start the celebrations of Yom haAtzmaut, Israel independence day. To me it has always been an emotionally impossible transition: from the deepest pain to the highest happiness. But I think that this transition captures the essence of our times: honoring our fallen soldiers with sadness and respect, but honoring them, mainly, celebrating the triumph of their ultimate cause.

Shabbat Shalom!!!!

Candle lighting in NYC: 7:37 PM

DON'T MISS the commemoration of Yom haZikaron in our community.

This Sunday night, May 8th, at 7:30 PM in YMJC (130 Steamboat Road).

We will have a VERY SPECIAL and famous guest Speaker:

Dr. Mordechai Kedar.

Watch Mordechai Kedar's famous remarks in Aljazeera TV, a very rare interview (the
only one I know so far!) Aljazeera had with a Pro-Israel Israeli scholar.

Watch what happens when someone with bravery and enough knowledge about Koran, Islam
and our rights to Israel, FINALLY says the truth!!!

Enjoy this amazing video!!!

Rabbi Yosef Bitton. YMJC | 130 Steamboat Rd. | Great Neck | NY | 11024

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