
Friday, April 29, 2011

YOM HASHOAH (Sunday, Nisan 27th, 5771)

Today is the 25th day of Nisan, 5771

10 days of Omer (1 week, 3 days)

This coming Sunday, May 1st, 2011/Nisan 27, 5771 is Yom haShoa, the day the Jewish people remembers the six millions victims of the Holocaust. It is known also in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Numerous ceremonies are held in Jewish institutions all over the world: In Jewish schools, Synagogues and even in Jewish cemeteries, to honor the memory of the victims of the most horrendous crime humanity had ever known.

In our community we will have the MYC Yom HaShoah Commemoration - Sunday, May 1st with a special speaker, Asher Mathahias, at 7:30 pm at the Young Mashadi Jewish Center. (For more information, please contact: Kimberly Hakim:

In our family, after attending the different ceremonies and memorials, we dedicate this day to read about the Holocaust and usuaully we watch together one or two movies or documentaries to help our imaginations to realize the horror of the Shoah.

Last year we watched the movie: "The Last Days" by Steven Spielberg . This movie tells the story of six Holocaust survivors. It chronicles the Nazi's efforts to exterminate Hungarian Jews in the last few months of World War II. Viewers witness this effort through the powerful accounts of these concentration-camp survivors and three American liberators. Each story concludes with the narrator returning 50 years later to the camp and, in some cases to the hometown that held his/her memories.

May the memory of our brothers and sisters, murdered during the Shoah, live in our hearts forever.

Tihiye nafsham tserura bitsror hachayim. Amen!

Shabbat Shalom!

Candle Lighting NYC: 7:31 PM


We cannot remain silent. Sunday, May 1st at 12:00 P.M

Join many other Jewish communities that will gather to commemorate the millions of innocents who perished in the Holocaust. We cannot remain silent. May 1st at 12:00 P.M in front of the Iranian Mission to the United Nations.



SEE: "The Last Days" Trailer:

SEE: SEPARATION: A scene from The Last Days :

Rabbi Yosef Bitton. YMJC | 130 Steamboat Rd. | Great Neck | NY | 11024

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