
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Truth and integrity

Today is the 8th day of Shebat , 5771

The real test of integrity takes place when someone is faced between keeping his word and suffering a financial loss.

Kind David expressed this idea in Tehilim. nishba lehara', velo yamir... The noble man would keep his promise even at the cost of losing money.

For example: Mr. A promised to sell an item to Mr. B for 100 dollars. But later on Mr. C offers Mr. A 110 dollars! If Mr. A follows the Torah's instruction, he will sell the item to Mr. B -despite the potential monetary loss- because he already gave Mr. B his word.

The Talmud brings the ultimate example of business integrity:

"Rab Safra had a donkey for sale. A gentile came to his house and offered him 50 dollars for the donkey. At that precise moment Rab Safra was reciting the Shema Israel, so he could not answer back. However, in his heart he accepted the offer of 50 dollars. The buyer thought that Rab Safra's silence meant that he expected a higher price, so he offered him 60. Rab Safra was still reciting the Shema. The buyer then offered him 70. At that point Rab Safra ended the Shema and he told the buyer that he can have the donkey for... 50 dollars, because that was the price
he originally accepted in his heart".

Rab Safra was considered by the Talmud the epitome of yr-e shamayima man with a highest level of respect and reverence to God (Makot 24a, Rashi)

Click here to see an extraordinary video clip of Dr. Mordechai Kedar.


Dr Mordechai Kedar will be our guest speaker tonight, Thursday January 13th at 8.00PM at YMJC, 130 Steamboat Road.

Rabbi Yosef Bitton. YMJC | 130 Steamboat Rd. | Great Neck | NY | 11024

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